988 is available nationwide. Our work continues.

988 is officially one year old, but only 17% of Americans consider themselves familiar with the Lifeline. 

In a crisis, knowing who to call can save lives. 

Be a #ReimagineCrisis advocate by raising awareness about the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in your community. 

Use our guides to educate your community and legislators through local news and social media.

Access fast stats on the state of crisis care, or take a look at our #ReimagineCrisis legislative tracking map to build your case for local crisis services. 

Ready to share your story beyond social media?    Take action with the #ReimagineCrisis partnership to share your lived experience directly with policymakers. 

#Reimagine Crisis Press Clippings

988 is available, but our work continues. Stay abreast of state and national developments on 988 and the full crisis continuum of care covered by news outlets across the country.